Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Twilight: When you live forever what do you live for?

Twilight is a 2008 American romantic-fantasy film directed by Catherine Hardwicke and based on the novel of the same name by Stephenie Meyer. The film stars Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, a teenage girl who falls in love with vampire Edward Cullen, portrayed by Robert Pattinson

My view: I've never watched a vampire movie before or a freaky movie. But the idea of romancing a handsome vampire is interesting indeed.
Advantages of a vampire falling in love with you:
The guy never sleeps - Sooooo he has plenty of time for everything
The guy has super natural powers- He can protect you and you can come to no harm under his vigilance (Sort of a being loved by a super hero feel )
He can climb the tallest mountains and show you the world like you have never seen it before.
He's been there done that - He is never lost. A wise hulk? ;)
He shields you from the evil world - Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
You can always be yourself with him - He knows nothing about other "human" life. so he is always interested in you. Keeps discovering new things about you and you don't even have to do much. You always fascinate him.
Disadvantages of a vampire being in love with you:
He's cold blooded and can never "warm" you up literally!
He can be the slayer and you can be the slayed- Hunger pangs bring out the worst in ordinary men. I shudder to think what they might bring out of vampires.
He doesn't smile too often.
Cooking for him isn't fun at all!

"WHEN YOU LIVE FORVER WHAT DO YOU LIVE FOR?" This is an interesting question isn't it?

When you live forever you don't have to care about money, shelter, food, academics, brilliance, one-upping, rat race and all the other madness that governs a "normal life".

When you live forever the only thing that matters is love and companionship. This is all that matters. Amidst all the rat race and madness this what one relaly longs for.

PS: To all the lonely hearts out there, your time to find that "someone" is NOW!

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