Thursday, April 2, 2009

Invent, innovate- Now is the time to look INwards!

Recession, pay cuts, lay offs, ‘The Great Depression (revisited)”, economic crisis - This list goes on and on. There is a lot of negativity in the atmosphere. How does one deal with it? Losing a job and a livelihood is traumatic. I have never believed in glorifying poverty or turbulent times. There is absolutely no consolation. There are no alternatives. I came across this phrase called “Children of Recession”. These children re-use tea bags, take the bus, don’t think big, don’t go out of the way to do anything different or radical. There is a whole generation out there which is dormant and reactive. A streak of helplessness runs through them which is infectious. There is a nasty sting of negativity.
All said and done how do we deal with this?


TALL ASK YOU SAY? Not really!

A period of success puts you in control. But what it also does is that it stops you from innovating. One stops looking for newer, different and smarter way to do things because the current solutions are working perfectly fine. Our mental frame is fixed. We don’t look beyond this and we don’t look around it.

It’s time to look around you, take a moment and think of the stereotypes that we are stuck into. A limited budget forces one to be innovative within the constraints. Innovation and re-invention is the only way to deal with this. Now it’s up to you to go figure. It’s up to you to take up the stance to re-invent and think out of the box. This is your savior.
The solution lies in looking INwards. That's where you'll find the answers.

If you want something that you’ve never had you have to do something that you never did. (I flicked this line from Abhi’s board) :D

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